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Picking Up Trash

Trash Recycling

Trash Recycling Services

Community bylaws state that trash cans and recycling bins must not be placed outside for pickup until the morning of the pickup day.                                                                                                                          


Trash Service - J&J Inc. Trash Service




DAYS OF SERVICE - Every Monday & Thursday (except specified holidays - details below)​


Contract services requirements are as follows:

  • Trash must be in cans, in plastic bags for collection. NO loose trash will be collected.

  • Trash must be placed curbside by 7:00 am on Monday and Thursday (our collection days).

  • Materials Collected only include normal household waste such as food waste, perishables, non-recyclable waste, etc. 

  • Materials Not Collected (unallowed items) include large bulky items, dirt, rocks, sod, grass, tree branches, plant trimmings, construction and remodeling materials, radioactive, inflammable, explosive, toxic or hazardous materials (paint, oil, gasoline), dead animals and recyclable materials.

  • There will be No Pickup if our collection day falls on any of the following holidays or any other day that the Montgomery County Transfer Station is closed:

    • New Year's Eve, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Juneteenth, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas

    • When a holiday or county closure falls on a Monday or Thursday our trash collection day will be skipped to the next collection day.

  • Free Bulk Pickup for residents. Bulk pickup must be scheduled in advance and does not include yard waste, metal, appliances or other items Montgomery County declares recyclable. Contact J&J Trash Service directly to schedule a bulk pickup.


Notice - Montgomery County requires all trash companies to help with recycling by monitoring their trash loads to see if recyclable commingles, paper and cardboard are included with the trash. Therefore, please put these items with your recycling. Trash companies are subject to a fine if we do not comply.


Recycling Service - Montgomery County Recycling Pickup: Tuesdays



Send questions about trash and recycling services to

Plantations Two Community Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 396 | Damascus | Maryland | 20872
Contact Us

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