Plantations Two Pool offers memberships to families/households and individuals living outside of the Plantations Two Community (Outside Pool Membership or OPM) for an annual fee and partially refundable deposit.
Family/Household Memberships annual fee $440
Individual Memberships (for adult 18 or older) annual fee $220.
All memberships require a $250 Deposit the first year you join our pool. A portion of the deposit is refundable when a membership is cancelled (see OPM Financial Policy for details). Both the fee and deposit may be paid at once or you can defer half of the deposit ($125) until March of the next year.
Each membership includes 5 free guest passes. Additional guest passes are available for purchase by check or online for $15 for 5 additional passes.
A Trial Pool Membership allows your family to attend the pool from August 1 to Labor Day for $150. No deposit is required. This offer can be taken advantage of one time only, for one season only, and is only available for families or individuals who are not current pool members (click here for more information).
How to Join or Renew
1. Read the Pool Rules & Operating Policies
If paying by check, mail your completed OPM Information Sheet along with your check.
If paying online remember to email or mail your completed OPM Information Sheet.
If the pool is open for the season, and you have paid for a New or Trial membership online, please email or mail your completed OPM Information Sheet. Once you receive notification that your membership has been processed, simply pickup your pool access tag(s) at the pool offices tags.​
Print your receipt as proof-of-purchase if you pay online.
If you choose to pay by check: Make check payable to Plantations Two Community Association.
Payments (see OPM Financial Policy for complete details).
To Join: you can either pay the whole amount (annual membership fee & full deposit), or you can pay annual membership fee plus 50% of the deposit. If you only pay 50% of the deposit, you will be billed next year for the membership renew fee and the remaining 50% deposit.
To Renew: you will be billed and need to pay either the annual membership fee only or the annual membership fee plus the 50% remaining deposit.
To Purchase a Trial membership: pay only the one-time Trial membership fee.